Featured Educations

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Computer Engineering & IT, M.Sc.
If you choose to study Computer Engineering & IT, so you get to work with computer and software technology at a high level. Basically you get of course a thorough…
Theatre Studies
If you love going to the theater and if you have always thought that you would write a play to be carried over at the Royal Theatre, then it is the way to choose the…
Tibetologi is the study of Tibetan as the language, as well as the historical and cultural conditions that are linked to the country Tibet. You study the language…
One of the Danish favorite destination is Turkey. We make pilgrimages there summer after summer and absorb the culture to us or lie and soak at the beach. But have you…
Electronics & IT, M.Sc.
With Electronics & IT you come to work with the latest developments in design and construction of electronic equipment and electrical appliances like laptops, mobile…
Studying German is indulging in a studio filled with history and culture from the first Germanic migrations of the Frankish kingdom ruled by Charles the Great…
Energy education is all about development and research in traditional and alternative energy sources. Oil and coal are becoming a scarce resource in a global perspective…
Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary)
Are you one of the many who have always dreamed of becoming a veterinarian when you grew up? If you love having to do with animals and would like to be a vet, so be sure…
English as a tutorial is much more than just language is English. It is English culture as BBC and the popular debate program Hard Talk, Shakespeare dramas as MacBeth and…
What made Egypt the mighty kingdom that was? And why and how it lost its power? These questions may be some among many you ask yourself and the best way to find out is…
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The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.
Education Categories
The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.
- Academy Training
- Bachelors
- Diploma Courses
- Business courses
- Professional Courses
- Courses on specific subjects
- Danish Military Educations
- Folk School Courses
- IT Educations
- Masters
- Artistic Educations
- Profession Bachelors
- Shipping
- Healthcare
- Access Courses
- Elective Courses
- Youth Education
- Education for adults
- Alternative Healthcare Courses
- Travel Abraod
Education - Bachelor
Bachelor is a degree that can be obtained for between 3-4 years of university studies. Bachelor programs offered traditionally by universities in Denmark and is, in most cases, an indispensable requirement to study at the graduate level - ie take a master's program.
With time, more vocational allowed to use the title Bachelor of their education. Among other nurses and marketing economists.
Basically, only the traditional educational programs at the university that can be called with bachelor after completion of the course. In addition, the health science and technical education also has this right. You can easily get a job with only a bachelor's in your luggage, but many companies prefer employees at the graduate level which is also the reason why most read on after completing undergraduate program.