German - Bachelors

City Student Scholarships Category Duration Admission Requirements
Copenhagen SU berettiget Bachelors 3 year Gymnasiel
City Copenhagen
Student Scholarships SU berettiget
Category Bachelors
Duration 3 year
Admission Requirements Gymnasiel
Studying German is indulging in a studio filled with history and culture from the first Germanic migrations of the Frankish kingdom ruled by Charles the Great (Charlemagne) to the Holy Roman Empire of the Weimar Republic and the subsequent Nazi Germany to the Federal Republic as German state form is defined as the current date. You get the opportunity to study German history at close quarters, as well as the political developments which Germany has undergone, especially the last 100 years is of particular interest. But the study German also deals with German literature authored by great personalities like Günther Grass, Bertholt Brecht, Goethe, Jürgen Habermas and many more. In fact, so is German study incredibly wide-ranging and there are also good opportunities to study economic aspects such as market analysis of Germany as the largest export partner and the bilateral relations by Denmark to Germany. Beside the social sciences in the program, you learn course language German - you learn to read, write and speak German. You use obviously your language skills to read large parts of the curriculum in the original language, German.

Job Opportunities

Teacher, interpreter, translator, language consultant, export assistant, market analyst.

Special admission requirements

Danish A, English B, German B, History B or Social Studies B or Contemporary History B or History of Ideas B.

Application deadlines

Quota 2 - March 15, 2008 at. 12 Quota 1 - July 5, 2008 at. 12