Featured Educations

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Health & Fitness
On Heath and fitness you spent all your muscles in the body. You can throw with kettlebells, running intervalløb, train with weights or drag tires. There are many…
Water & Outdoor
With Water & Outdoor line you get lots of experiences. We utilize the surrounding nature of the challenges we give each other. You get the opportunity to test…
South Korea has much to offer beyond Gangnam Style and Taekwondo. It is an old culture of rapid development, which knows how to combine old traditions with modern music…
Is your keyboard constant red-hot and your pens worn? Are you constantly searching for the most apposite words and the best-sounding phrase to write the best article?…
film line
Film line is the teaching of film analysis and camera techniques. You learn to become familiar with the production of films and therefore included some exercises with…
Danish Language & Culture
Danish at Askov is training in written and oral Danish especially aimed at foreigners who want to become familiar with the Danish language. The training also focuses on…
Teamwork education is one of the major subjects in the music line. This is where you can collect and use many of the skills you have, and which you also get from the…
music In In line profession Music In the interaction, which is the core of teaching. There are primarily played pop, rock and funk. The teaching can be defined as…
Physical education is based on that you first of all, get to know a lot of different sports, such that after the stay at the school have found a form of exercise that…
German in a cool way
Would you like to feel after about a future of German language and culture really is something for you, "German in a cool way" is just for you! The project is designed…
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The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.
Education Categories
The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.
- Academy Training
- Bachelors
- Diploma Courses
- Business courses
- Professional Courses
- Courses on specific subjects
- Danish Military Educations
- Folk School Courses
- IT Educations
- Masters
- Artistic Educations
- Profession Bachelors
- Shipping
- Healthcare
- Access Courses
- Elective Courses
- Youth Education
- Education for adults
- Alternative Healthcare Courses
- Travel Abraod
Education - High School Courses
College courses are courses of short or long duration at a high school in Denmark. College Courses must be regarded as breathing space for students who want to improve their skills, seek new inspiration, meet new friends and create lasting social relationships, and prepare for further education. It can for example be if you want to conduct entrance examination for police training or journalist education. Many also take in high school to use it as a sabbatical, where they find themselves and create relationships. School Courses available in as many versions as there are interests. Do you have an interest, and there are about 20 others in Denmark, it is almost certain there is a high school course for it.
College courses can also be short courses where the emphasis is on being good at IT, dance, music, art, or the like.