Featured Educations

  • Food Innovation and Health Masters

    Food Innovation and Health

    A chef training with a scientific twist that blends chef and scientist together in the cauldron and produces a festive medley of…

  • Geophysics Masters


    Earth is still very unexplored and especially the part of the ground below the water. As geophysicist you examine all the factors…

  • Geography & Geoinformatics Masters

    Geography & Geoinformatics

    The 2-year Master's degree in Geography & Geoinformatics is an excellent opportunity to specialize in a particular area…

  • Geology-Geoscience Masters


    On the MSc in Geology & Geophysics select a specific geographic subject area and specialize in it. Examples of topics can be…

  • modern Greek Masters

    modern Greek

    Greece has always had a special place in history. Now in modern times is their place, however, not as flashy as it once was. But…

  • History Masters


    After 3 years at the bachelor's program in such history, it is appropriate to expand your professional skills and take the…

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The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.

Education - Master

A Master's degree in Denmark is a degree that can be taken after completing undergraduate studies. The universities in Denmark offering degree programs. A Master's degree is generally rated for two years, but many choose to secure a good character by working a little longer for their thesis.

Most master's degrees are in high demand in the labor market and there is therefore good job when you graduate. You can also choose to study further and take a Ph.D., but most often it requires you write it for a business.

After taking a master's program you can give yourself the title cand.