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Russian is both a Linguistic and vocational training. You learn to speak and write Russian as languages and are taught in political, cultural, historical, social, and…
Political Science
Political Science is the study of state-building and different dimensions. Here you will learn about politics, both on a national and international level. You get a…
healthcare Master
If you have taken a Bachelor's degree in health science, you have the opportunity to take a health graduate program called cand.scient.san. The study adds to your…
Training in Forestry takes 2 years and is your opportunity to get acquainted with forests and nature around us. Your professional profile should enable you to work with…
Germany is known to Denmark's largest trading partner. As the largest economy in Europe, Germany has had and still has a huge impact on developments in Europe. At…
You have the opportunity to read Sociology at the graduate level at the University of Copenhagen, and the training takes 2 years. As the other Master, here's emphasis…
If you are tremendously interested in both psychology and languages, and if you can not get into the study of psychology, for one reason or another. (It could be crowded…
Economics is often the studio, leading directly to a challenging and well-paid job. Many ministers, directors and managers in the private sector and public…
Statistics is an education where the love of figures are in focus. You learn to use a large empirical evidence based on figures and calculations to predict what the…
Architecture and Design, Engineer - Graduate
Architecture and design are an education that caters to creative students who want to work with the technical aspect of architecture and design. Architecture and Design…
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Education Categories
The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.
- Academy Training
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Education - Master
A Master's degree in Denmark is a degree that can be taken after completing undergraduate studies. The universities in Denmark offering degree programs. A Master's degree is generally rated for two years, but many choose to secure a good character by working a little longer for their thesis.
Most master's degrees are in high demand in the labor market and there is therefore good job when you graduate. You can also choose to study further and take a Ph.D., but most often it requires you write it for a business.
After taking a master's program you can give yourself the title cand.