Featured Educations

  • Medical Certified Care Professional Courses

    Medical Certified Care

    As lægeeksaminere Care lets you work with treat fodlidelser and help and advise on prevention of problems and disorders that may…

  • Art Courses on specific subjects


    At the art line will allow you to work with the variety of artistic expression itself. "Let your hands speak" is the…

  • Entrepreneurship Courses on specific subjects


    Entrepreneurial line you get knowledge of business operations, production, finance and sales, but also the combination between…

  • Design Courses on specific subjects


    On the design bar allows you to head out into the unknown world where the ideas grow, leading to new and novel design. You are…

  • clothing Courses on specific subjects


    If you are not the academic type, but rather designing clothes, choose clothing line at Odense Vocational School. Here you will…

  • animation line Courses on specific subjects

    animation line

    On the animation bar you get the opportunity to work with an exciting genre, which gets more and more important in our daily…

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The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.

Education Categories

The educations at Studenterguiden.dk is divided into a number of categories so you easily can find the most relevant ones. Please choose a category below, hearing from you so we can improve the section.

Education - professional courses

Specialized courses is a common term for vocational courses that qualifies the student for a particular job, occupation or training. Fagkursernes course vary from intensive 14-day training courses for up to 11 years. The vast majority of professional courses are user paid 1.000 to 40.000 kr.

Many professional courses is what you might call alternative welfare programs with a focus on body and psyche and maintenance of these. But there are also many courses in textile processing, art and design and language trips.

Specialized courses can be taken by most people without any educational background. So if you want to take a course that can bring you forward in life or maybe just for your own sake, find a fagkursus that matches your needs.