
Gastroteket is one of the more hip cafés and restaurants in Odense, where you can enjoy delicious French delicacies.

You can have brunch, lunch and desserts. Every Tuesday there is a brasserie evening, serving rustic dishes a la 'mormormad', simme and grilled cheese. Every wednesday there is fish evening and wine and charcuterie on Thursday. On Friday there is a long dinner dinner with 5 dishes and wine taken together with the other guests.

Gastroteket has become famous for its good quality food at reasonable prices, but is also one of the finer places in Odense.


Nørregade 39
5000 Odense C

Contact info

Telefon: 28 18 01 11

Man kan også skrive til dem direkte på Gastrotekets hjemmeside.

Opening Hours


Man: lukket
Tirs-fre: kl. 11.30-18.00
Lør: kl. 10.00-16.00
Søn: lukket


Der serveres mad inden for følgende tidsrum:

Man: lukket
Tirs-fre: kl. 11.30-21.30
Lør: kl. 10.00-21.30
Søn: lukket

Bordreservation anbefales generelt.

Sommerlukket i uge 28- 29 (fra den 10.07.17 til og med 23.07.17)


Gastroteket's website