All you need to know to avoid cheating in your rental conditions
Several tenants are being cheated by their landlords, and often there is no consequence because the tenant is not aware of his rights. The landlord has his own interests to take care of, so you may not always be able to trust that he offers the best advice in relation to one's rental conditions. In this review you will find a list of the conditions you rent, be aware of in order to avoid being cheated by the landlord.
Rent Act
First and foremost, it is important that you understand the purpose of the rental agreement. Danish law applies a principle of freedom of contract. Freedom of agreement means that, as a matter of principle, you must determine what an agreement should contain.
Does your landlord have such free rein with regard to the lease? No, that's not the case at all. The tenancy agreement is for regulating the relationship between tenant and landlord. Its primary purpose is to protect the weak party: the tenant.
There are three types of rules in the rental agreement: first, there are rules that can be waived by agreement. This means that if nothing else is agreed, they will find use. However, it is not illegal to agree to them in the lease. Second, there are the rules that can only be waived if it does not harm the tenant. If the landlord adds a provision to the contract that derogates from one of these rules and is detrimental to the tenant, this point of the lease is not valid. Finally, there are the rules that are impermissible. Under no circumstances can you agree without these rules, even if both the tenant and the landlord agree that these rules shall not apply in the rental agreement.
Find rentals
Already at this time it is important that you are careful. There are several things you can do to avoid being cheated by the landlord.
Use your common sense. Do not go to websites that seem unprofessional. If the landlord seems scary, you can go to the homeowner and investigate if the person is the real owner of the property. Be wary if the information you have read online does not match what the landlord informs you.
Never transfer money before a lease is signed. Neither rent nor deposit. If the landlord wants you to pay a form of contractual fee, you probably have a fraudster to do and you easily end up being cheated by the "landlord". A statutory landlord will never charge a fee of this nature. It is important that you can document your payments, so as a tenant you will never pay in cash.
Movement view and relocation report
Before signing up the lease, you will be letting out with the most probability through a mandatory retirement plan of the lease. This applies only to landlords who rent more than one residential apartment, and this can not be waived by appointment. Here, the lease and its condition are reviewed in order to ensure that both parties agree with what is being leased. A relocation report must also be signed. This report is for documenting the condition you received the lease in, thus protecting you from paying for any damages or wears that occurred when taking over the lease.
It is always a good idea to include a acquaintance to the influx of views, to ensure that you do not get swept away and sign an evacuation report that you will not stand. Again, one avoids being cheated by the landlord.
If you do not receive a relocation report and you do not receive a relocation report, the landlord can not document the state of the lease upon acceptance and you do not have to pay for the rent of the lease. If you have not incurred any incidental damage, you must return your entire deposit as a starting point.
Just because you have signed a lease, this does not automatically validate the entire content of the contract. If an indispensable rule is waived in the contract, this relationship is invalid. The same applies if there is a rule that can not be waived to the detriment of the tenant.
The lease must be a Type A, 9th edition (A9 contract) for its validity. Older forms have expired and these contracts are invalid.
Where the landlord often cheats
When reviewing your rental agreement, it is important that you pay special attention to Section 11. This is basically the landlord adds any deviations from the rental agreement. Changes that may be valid or invalid. Therefore, be aware of this section as you may easily be cheated by the landlord.
A relationship many tenants are cheated with are additional benefits. Examples of additional services include snow removal, staircases and window shading. Rent and consumption are not covered by supplementary benefits. The landlord can not claim payment for all types of services. Any costs the landlord has in the operation of the property must be made through the rent and may not be an additional payment.
If, according to your rental agreement, you pay for services that the landlord is not authorized to charge for, you may require these invalid payments to be repaid. Your claim is obsolete after 3 years. This means that you can claim a refund for payments made up to 3 years ago. Therefore, it is important that you suspect invalid add-on services immediately seek legal advice to ensure that the least possible money is lost.
The size of your rent depends on several factors. The determination depends, among other things, on which city it is. If you are unsure if you pay too much in rent, you may want to check what your neighbors and other residents in the area pay. You can also go to www. check out rental .dk and get checked your rent for free.
There are 3 ways your consumption can be calculated. If you pay a-conto,It is a requirement that your rent is equipped with individual meters. If this is not the case, it is not legal for the landlord to charge the payment for your consumption. Instead, pay for your consumption, by making an independent agreement with the utilities, or by including your consumption as a fixed amount in your rent.
There are two sets of rules for housing rent. What sets of rules your rental is subject to depends on when you entered the rental agreement. If the rental agreement has been concluded before 1 July 2015, renting with a fixed percentage or a fixed amount is only legal if the actual date of increase and the resulting increase in rent is expressly stated in your contract. This is also called staircase. If the rental agreement is concluded after 1 July 2015, stairwells are not legal. If the rent increases, it must be according to the net price index.
Moving out
Upon relocation, the same principles apply as the acquisition of the lease. Landlord - again only landlords who rent more than one residential apartment - must call you for a retrenchment view within 2 weeks after he has become aware of your relocation. A relocation report must be prepared to document the state of residence when you hand over the lease. The relocation and relocation reports are compared to determine how much of your deposit you get. If you do not receive a relocation report, do not pay for the refurbishment of the lease and, as a rule, have your deposit back.
Where can you get help?
If you have been so unfortunate that you have been cheated by the landlord, there are some different ways you can get help. First of all, you can make use of the classic forms of help: using tenant associations and lawyers. However, these can be very costly for you. Conversely, you can also use online help, which includes DIGURA , where you only have to pay if you get money again or pay less money. These actors are always ready to help you if you experience problems with your landlord or if you have been cheated by the landlord.
Posted by: Louise Song, Legal Advisor at DIGURA .