Part-time Employee/Assistant for Energy System Modelling – DTU Management

Arbejdsgiver: DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet


Område: Danmark, Den Europæiske Union, Europa, Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejdsområde, Kgs. Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Norden, Nordsjælland, Region Hovedstaden, Sjælland, Skandinavien, Storkøbenhavn, Øresundsregionen

Opslået: 07/09/2024

Ansøgningsfrist: 07/10/2024

Part-time Employee/Assistant for Energy System Modelling – DTU Management

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Part-time Employee/Assistant for Energy System Modelling – DTU Management

Kgs. Lyngby

The section conducts research on how to upgrade and operate energy systems and markets with large amounts of variable renewable energy at the lowest possible societal cost.

The assistant will be involved in two research projects applying energy system models: PtX Infrastructure, where global sensitivity analyses are developed for hydrogen and CO2 infrastructures and GREAT, where focus is on implementation of flexibility measures.

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