Technical officer in the Navy (Frederikshavn)

City Student Scholarships Category Duration Admission Requirements Education Institution
Aalborg Lønnet praktik Danish Military Educations 5 year Gymnasiel Defence command
City Aalborg
Student Scholarships Lønnet praktik
Category Danish Military Educations
Duration 5 year
Admission Requirements Gymnasiel
Education Institution Defence command
Technical officer in the Navy (Frederikshavn)

If you choose to educate yourself and work as a technical officer in the Navy you will be responsible for operation, maintenance and repair of ship's high-tech equipment and machinery. To this training you as a marine engineer, where you get the theoretical and practical skills in the workshop engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc. With this theoretical insight you need to perform management and training tasks related to the supply and operation of the equipment.

Training You start out on Sergeant education where you will get the initial training in navigational and sailor-related subjects. This is also where you get practical experience in leadership and instruction, which is nødvændigt to an officer. Then commenced operation program where you have to specialize in mechanical electronics, IT and science. When the part is over is continued at officer agree basic education in Copenhagen. Here you will have sømillitære, social sciences, management subjects and be specialized in extended machine electronics and IT.

Expulsion An officer will as a natural part of the work will be deployed to international missions. Typically it will be every 3 years.

Job Opportunities

Technical officer in the Navy, leader.

Special admission requirements

2-day admission test with physical tests, written tests, personal questionnaire, autobiography, interview, physical examination and an assessment of a commission.

Application deadlines

Please see: Defence education website