Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza is centrally located in Odense on Nørregade 16 opposite the disco Boogies .

Pizza Pizza has a quirky menu where almost every pizza is named after a Hollywood BlockBuster film - f. Ex Casablanca with tomato, cheese, oregano, kebab, mushrooms, peppers and olives. All pizzas and take-away meals are prepared with quality ingredients. Pizza Pizza opens relatively early compared to some other take-away places and is very popular on weekends, when you returned from the city. Pizza Pizza brings out in a radius of 5 km, if you order over 100 kr. And has the following menu: "Pizza" Baked Pizza "Special Pizza" Pizza Menu 'Sandwich' Grill dishes 'Pasta' Beverages


Nørregade 16
5000 Odense C

Contact info

Telefon: 63 12 12 63

Opening Hours

Søndag - onsdag: 11.00 - 00.00
Torsdag - lørdag: 11.00 - 06.00



Pizza Pizza's website

Pizza Pizza