Odense Yoga Center

We are a yoga school with many years of experience in Yoga, meditation and tantra.
We hold yoga classes on a daily basis and further awareness-raising lectures and workshops that can be seen on our event calendar.

It is our goal to disseminate knowledge of personal development through techniques that enhance concentration, the ability to silence the mind and open the heart, as well as understanding how to get the best out of their relationships and erotic life.
We teach how to build good health and eat healthily and more importantly to think healthy.

We have even experienced improved grades in school, more harmonious relationships, greater ability to meet people where they are and empathy as well as many more.


Thorsgade 13, dør 2, Odense

Contact info

Telefon: 23 96 06 68

Email: odense@natha.dk 


Opening Hours

Som regel alle aftenener i ugen undtagen lørdag.


Odense Yoga Center's website