Sound engineering
City | Student Scholarships | Category | Admission Requirements | Education Institution |
Denmark | Ingen SU eller løn | Folk School Courses | Ingen |
The Rhythmic School |
City | Denmark |
Student Scholarships | Ingen SU eller løn |
Category | Folk School Courses |
Admission Requirements | Ingen |
Education Institution |
The Rhythmic School |

If you're excited about helping musicians by sitting behind a mixing console or you love to go to concerts where you have the great responsibility that the sound is perfect, the sound studio technique a good education for you.
On the technical line allows you to build up a thorough knowledge of analog and digital recording technique in the school 4 studies. You will be working include with the different phases of studio recording, including basic sound, headphone mix for the musicians, overdubs and mixdown with effects and dynamics. Furthermore microphone array signal in the studios, mixing console design and intersection review of microphone types and characteristics. On theoretical topics include acoustics and sound propagation in a room and spectral ear as a trainer the ability to identify the individual frequencies in the frequency range.
An overall goal with lydteknikundervisningen cooperation between musicians and technicians. The focus is on recording the school's orchestras as throughout the semester comes to visit in lydstudierne.
Work is in large PA systems. In the hall made arrangement for concerts, technicians build routine in live sound, both front of house and monitor on stage, in order tour-week where musicians and technicians travel to Denmark and play concerts at other schools.
You can get to work with the great musicians if you do it really well. But it is not just a matter of education, it is also a question of contacts, luck and talent.
Of course you can also get to record demo CDs of bands at leisure. In this way you can also help to get your name out on so many recordings as possible.
During the semester there will be more theme-weeks with a particular content here, too studio recording being in the center. After the first month with the basic course you will have the opportunity to take a "license " to the school's two large studies. It will give you full access studies.
Tuition is divided into a weekly 2-lesson module which will change content during the semester. In the beginning there will be tiered theory / ear training for all, but after about 4 times there will be the possibility to choose between different line-related subjects. This may be: - SDS (Song, Dance and Play) - theory and ear training - "Open Door", "Free Improvisation", or Intuitive Improvisation - Improvisation - Singing Workshop - Rotation
Analog studio. (Tuborgstudie1)
Mixer desk in this study is a SOUNDTRACS Jade-S with 48 channels. It is an in-line mixer equipped with dynamics (compressor and gate) on all channels and automation (faders and mutes). There is recorded on a Studer A827 2 "tape recorder with 24 tracks. Moreover, there is installed a PowerMac G4 dual-engine with a ProTools MixPlus system (24in / 24out) and Logic Pro. In this study, have you all to work with both analog and digital record-technique. There is obviously a wide selection of microphones and outboard equipment. the study has three recording room and also use the concert hall for recordings. Monitors are Mackie and Yamaha NS-10.
Digital Studio. (Tuborgstudie2)
Here we have recently installed the new Digidesign C24 Controller / mixer combined with a Protools HD2 Accel system. In other words, we can now show the latest developments in digital technology of study. Recording and mix in the new digital studio is 100% software based, so you only use the processing power of the HD2 system and in the studio's new computer, a MacPro Quad Engine. The studio has one large recording room, and a vocal-box. Monitors are Genelec and Yamaha NS-10th
Studies 3 and 4
Two computer-based studies that are completely identical. Here are two small control rooms which share a bone dry indspilningsbox ideal for contemporary music production. The studios are equipped with a PowerMac G4 dual-engine with ProTools LE / Digi003 and Logic Pro. In addition, Genelec nærfeltsmonitors.
computer room
In connection with the study 3 and 4 shall you also our computer lab. This room is equipped with 8 Imac G5 complete with ProTools, Logic Pro, Digidesign Mbox interface and keyboard. This represents about 8 complete recording studios can be used for classroom teaching in the room or moved to other facilities as needed.