Kansas City Venue

Kansas City Venue

Kansas City is a grassroots organization that focuses on improving opportunities for musicians in Odense. Kansas City live in the old konfektionsfabrik on Munkebjergvej, meaning they have great facilities. At Kansas City often hosts concerts, conferences, meetings, workshops and clinics to improve opportunities for young musicians, and create better opportunities for talent development and offer of music performance. As a musician, you have great opportunity to put your personal stamp on Kansas City and come up with creative input to the concerts to be held and issues which need to be focused on. The concept behind Kansas City is that the place must be a training for future stars, so you can try to organize their own concerts and try new measures


Munkebjergvej 140
5230 Odense M

Contact info

Telefon: 66 13 61 20

Mail: info@kansascity.dk


Kansas City Venue's website

Kansas City Venue
Kansas City Venue
Kansas City Venue
Kansas City Venue