Good Smile dentists

Get sorted teeth here and into the bargain by up to 40% cheaper prices than in the general tanklinikker.

Every single day, over 1500 satisfied patients are treated by the clinics' dentists, dentists, clinicians and drug addicts. The staff never compromise on good quality and therefore puts you and your needs at the heart of it. In other words, you get high quality dental treatment at a fair price.

Danish dental practitioners were criticized in the media in the mid 2000s for high prices compared with neighboring countries. At that time, the Danish dentists followed a specific pricing structure, and therefore it was almost impossible for patients to achieve a saving. There was therefore great potential in starting a high quality dental chain at a fair price for the patients. Such a clinic opened a good smile in 2008 in Horsens. Since then, it has become more than 130 dental chairs and more than 300 skilled staff workers. Prices in Good Smil clinics are up to 40% lower than the average in Denmark, matching the price level found in Germany and Sweden.
The clinics are equipped with the latest equipment in the market, and only the best materials may be used in the treatments. Good Smile Dentists constantly train their staff, which is quality control and careful selection of dentists. In this manner, a uniform high quality is ensured for all clinics. The patient is at the center throughout the course of treatment.

The Vision for Good Smile Dentists are offering high quality dental treatment at fair prices. General prices must be significantly lower than those found on average in Denmark, and match the price level in neighboring countries. They also wish to remain the dental chain with the highest patient satisfaction.


Banegårdspladsen 8, 1. sal, 8000 Århus

Contact info

Telefon: 44 22 41 06


Good Smile dentists's website