design Cycles

design Cycles

Design Bicycles have quality bikes for both men and women, and all the extra equipment you are missing such as lights, screens, etc. gear.

If you need a good bike, then Design Bicycles help you along the way - you can buy bikes in all price ranges from cheap city bike into a stylish racer. Prices are reasonable and the vast majority of bikes are of good quality.


St. Gråbrødrestræde 10
5000 Odense C

Contact info

Telefon: 66 14 17 20

Opening Hours

Mandag - torsdag: 10.00 - 17.30
Fredag: 10.00 - 18.00

Lørdag: 10.00 - 14.00
Søndag: Lukket


design Cycles's website

design Cycles
design Cycles