bar'sushi Odense
Our philosophy can be described in one sentence: Sushi-aficiendo or novice - we aim to give you a taste.
Bar's Sushi has created a beautiful and authentic tradition by tearing down the kitchen door, which normally has separated the guests from the eternal pivot point of the food.
That way you will be able to follow the cooking of your food when the chefs throw stardust and love for your sushi.
Bar's Sushi takes great pride in communicating with their customers, so ask if you have any questions about anything in the sushi universe. Whether you put your foot in bar'sushi in Odense, Svendborg, Kolding or Vejle, you are guaranteed a good taste experience.
Bar's Sushi Deli
You can also catch bar'sushi on wheels. In addition to their restaurants, you can take a beautiful past their sushi kitchen on wheels. Bar'sushi deli is a food truck that rolls around in Skanderborg, Ry and Silkeborg. The chefs in the bar'sushi deli will splurge fish and other fine things about to anything you want from the menu.
Student Discounts
As a student, you have to fight the economy daily - The SU is eaten quickly before you get around. Bar's Sushi will receive a 10% discount if you bring your student card.
When ordering a take-away online, please remember to write a study discount in the comments box AND bring your student card when the sushi is to be picked up. You can not get others to pick up the food for you, as it is only the student card holder with a valid study card with expiration date that can be picked up.
Læssøegade 1
5000 Odense C
Contact info
Telefon: 66 13 63 00
Opening Hours
Søndag – torsdag: 15.00 - 21.00
Fredag – lørdag: 12.00 - 22.00