

HC Andersen, Odense internationally known townsman, was happy Albani. In a letter from one of his many stays in his hometown, he wrote the brewery's product: "I can not praise this beer enough. It is refreshing, delicate and strong. Try it!"

There were many who did and still do. From being a local Odense-enterprise is Albani long been throughout Fyn beer. And today, friends of Albani in all parts of Denmark, where to get the Funen brew.

One of the city's first industrial

The Fellowship of Albani began many years before Hans Christian Andersen wrote his flattering comment. The brewery was founded by the chemist. Theodor Schiøtz in 1859, and was one of the city's first industrial companies. The brewery was where it still is located in central Odense.

In 1874, a major expansion made. In 1891 came the first bottled and thus the need for mechanized bottling plant. This led to a substantial rise against the year 1900th


After the turn of the century brewery industry became heavily concentrated, also on Funen, where Albani in the years up to 1934 took over four other breweries. In the 1960s and 70s, two more acquisitions in Funen. Also beyond the region expanded Albani: In 1956 Sønderborg Bryghus was acquired, in 1986 brewery Slotsmøllen in Kolding, in 1996 Mineral water factory Baldur in Esbjerg and in 1997 Maribo Brewery. In 2000 merged Albani Brewery Group, today Royal Unibrew.


Tværgade 2
5000 Odense C

Contact info

Telefon: 65 48 75 00



Albani's website
