Studenterguidens Careertest: What should you major in?

There are thousands of opportunities for those who have not yet chosen an education, or who may want to start on a brand new? If any, we know behind how difficult it can be to find out where to start. Therefore we have created a training test, which only takes a few minutes to complete, but can give you inspiration, an idea where to start then or perhaps even dreams the training that you had never thought of before.

Education test uses your answers to sort our thousands of programs from many parameters. When it's completed, we'll present the programs for you. If you are logged in, you can even easily save the most interesting courses to your profile and compare them. We hope to help you along the way. Tip: If you are not a free member with us, so keep it in here and get the most benefit from training test. You can log in via Facebook below.

Are you career orientated?
Is the salary important to you?
Would you mind fluctuating working hours?
Would you like to have the responsibility of others?
Do you enjoy team work?
Kilde: Rigspolitiet
Is it important to you to be able to self-determine how to work?
Will it suit you best to have a job with fixed working hours (09AM - 05PM)
Do you like to plan, organize and analyse?
Are you creative and do you enjoy art, plays etc.?
Is physical fitness and sport of importance to you?
Do you enjoy travel, learning about new cultures and languages?
Do you mind travelling as a part of your job?
Do you prefer a job with a lot of hands on tasks instead of theoretical tasks?
Would you like to educate others?
Are you prepared to study for many years to come?
Have you already attended high school or are you prepared to complete it?
Tak for svarene. Resultaterne beregnes nu.
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uddannelsestest ★★★★ 4.0 5 1

3 5 1
Jeg synes at det var en god test, men den kunne godt være mere præcis.

3 5 1
Den er fin nok, ikke noget seræreit ved den

3 5 1
Flere af spørgesmålene bør ikke være samlet som de er, da det giver at ret skævt svar, eller fint.

2 5 1
den var fin, men synes der manglede nogle spørgsmål

How to find the right education and career for you

Many often choose an education without actually knowing what they want to work with. This can either be a positive thing or a negative thing. The positive thing about this way of choosing education is to start something out of interest and later find out what job you are interested in getting afterwards. It can also be a way to get to know oneself and their interests better, not to cling to one particular job without giving the other job opportunities in the industry a chance. The negative aspect of choosing an education without knowing what kind of work you want is, on the other hand, to find out later that job opportunities within the education path followed have not really been one . Now you're probably thinking: "Well, how can I choose the right education and career?". We have tried this to give an answer.

  1. Give yourself peace of mind

It is first and foremost important that you do not rush to choose an education and career path for you as it is after all a big choice to take and something that you want to spend the rest of your life on. If you are not ready to choose education after college, then it may be a good idea to wait for this choice and instead work or travel if you have scrapped money. Sometimes a trip can give you the answer as to what the right education choice is for you, for example, works voluntarily as a teacher, educator or perhaps in a hospital, for example, to find out if you want to be a nurse or a doctor. A journey can also enrich you in your educational choices if you come in close contact with other cultures and new people and thus learn something new of it and them. Have you lived with a family abroad where one has been good at cooking and has learned from it, you may be coming home from your journey with the vision of enriching yourself as a cook and opening your own restaurant . However, if you choose to work for high school, you may find that you want to continue working in that industry and do not want to educate you in anything else. Often you will also have the opportunity to train further so that you have proof of what you can if you want a higher position in the work you have already obtained after high school.

In your choice of education, it is also important that you remember that it is you and your future it is about, and not your family, friends or other close relationships that will affect your choice. You do not have to read law because both your parents have done it and you do not have to study for educators because all your friends do it or say you should do it. Find out what feels right for you and what will suit you as a person.

  1. Write down your interests

In addition to paragraph 1, it may be a good idea to list your interests if you have not automatically found them through your stay abroad, your period of work after high school or just after you graduate from high school. You do not have to list all your interests at once, if you can not remember all of them right away. Be sure, however, that there is a real interest in you, and not just something that you wish you were interested in. It is useful, for example. nothing to write that you are interested in politics if you do not read or watch the TV news daily and stay up to date. For example, have you worked in a kindergarten after high school and found joy in it, you can record work with children or people in general as an interest.

  1. Find the programs that suit your interests

Once you have noted what real interests you have, you can start searching for the appropriate education. Start with a single interest and study from which programs are suitable and which you think sounds exciting. Then put yourself in every education that captures your interest, and note the pros and cons of each of them. The pros and cons that you note should primarily be according to your point of view and how many subjects during the education you find interesting. Then you can note the pros and cons of how well the job opportunities are for the education. Once you've found out which educations of those you've found that have the most benefits in your eyes, you can narrow down the list so you have a clear overview of which programs you want to search for. When you apply for the programs, always put them in order of what you are most interested in, so you should also do this for yourself before you do it during the application process.

The most popular programs

You can also inspire you or just inform yourself about what programs most people have searched for each year to find out how difficult it is to get up to the program. It may be advantageous to apply for an education where there are not many people searching for, as it is easier for you to be admitted. However, it may also be possibleIt's a disadvantage if it turns out that the reason people do not apply for the education is because there are few or not so good job opportunities.

By 2018, there have been 6,399 applicants for the education program, and 5,109 are applying for nursing education. Education such as medicine, psychology, primary school teacher and social worker is also among those with the highest number of applicants.

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