Ulstrup School

Ulstrup School

Ulstrup Preschool is located in West Zealand. If you are not bookable strong or have special needs and are aged 14-18, this after school is something for you. The majority of the students come from primary school classes, while some others have been in a class with support in the form of special education or with support teachers. The secondary school has room for 50 students and the school has 15 employees.

The school was founded in 1990 by teachers associated with special classes, as well as a group of parents to literally weak. Ulstrup Preschool is affiliated with "Landsforeningen ligeværd".
In the after school you will be met by workshops that combine theory and practice. These lessons are based on the possibilities and abilities of each student. Teaching takes place in smaller teams of approx. 5-6 students.
The secondary school emphasizes creating a safe place for students to work, learn and live. Students should also feel responsibility for themselves and the community, and the school emphasizes that the student will find and exploit his / her own opportunities through intercourse with other young people who have different kinds of difficulties.

Students will participate in the daily cooking, cleaning and maintenance of the school, which ensures that they achieve some of the skills needed for them to take care of themselves.

The school's overall purpose is to run a secondary school for young people with different educational needs. The individual student must develop personal and professional skills, and the school seeks to motivate them for continuing education in schools and professions. Practical experiences, life-long experiences and theoretical knowledge will realize this.

At school there are six lines; Book line, practical line, line, media line and farm line as well as music line.
Common to these lines, however, is always to be read and counted in order to perform tasks, thereby strengthening the subjects that are difficult for some. Mathematics and Danish are thus made fun by composing with something that interests the students.


Eskilstrupvej 18
4560 Vig

Contact info

Telefon: 59 31 53 45
E-mail: kontor@ulstrup-efterskole.dk


Ulstrup School's website

Ulstrup School