Technical officer in the Air Force
City | Student Scholarships | Category | Duration | Admission Requirements | Education Institution |
Copenhagen, Aarhus | Lønnet praktik | Danish Military Educations | 4 year | Gymnasiel |
Defence command |
City | Copenhagen, Aarhus |
Student Scholarships | Lønnet praktik |
Category | Danish Military Educations |
Duration | 4 year |
Admission Requirements | Gymnasiel |
Education Institution |
Defence command |
If you choose to train you technical officer in the flying weapon you can look forward to being responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Air Force's high-tech equipment. You will be equipped with a professional technical ballast that provides you with sufficient technical understanding required to lead a workshop and to organize and plan the work for a number of specialists. Beyond training in the technique will you as an officer should also be trained in management in general and millitærfagligt.
Training On sergeant training you receive the initial PRACTICAL instructor and management, and pilot and other aeronautical subjects. At the function program intensified specialization in aeronautics with subjects such as aerodynamics, materials science, aeronautics and the like.
Finally, you Officer School to undergo primarily managerial, but also social science and millitærtaktiske subjects. The technical diploma program consists of subjects such as technology understanding, innovation, logistics and product development.
Expulsion An officer will as a natural part of the work will be deployed to international missions. Typically it will be every 3 years.
Job Opportunities
Technical officer in the Air Force, leader.
Special admission requirements
2-day entrance examination and a shooting test in 4-5 days - both with physical tests, written tests, tests in kortidshukommelse or visualization ability, personal questionnaire, autobiography, interview, physical examination and an assessment of a commission.
Application deadlines
Please see: Defence education website