City | Student Scholarships | Category | Admission Requirements | Education Institution |
Denmark | Ingen SU eller løn | Folk School Courses | Ingen |
School Baltic Sea |
City | Denmark |
Student Scholarships | Ingen SU eller løn |
Category | Folk School Courses |
Admission Requirements | Ingen |
Education Institution |
School Baltic Sea |

As part of skibumsprojektet you come in earnest in PLUS. The clear objective of the project is to get a job in the Austrian ski season - either as a ski instructor at the ski schools or as a waiter in one of the many sports hotels in the area in and around Wagrain. To achieve this goal, you could be so much German that you can serve your guests in the restaurant and explain to children and adults how to perform down the slopes without getting into trouble. If you have a ski instructor, it is certainly essential that you can ski or snowboard. You do not have to be world champion for either, but if you need to implement the embedded Anwärterkursus on skiinstruktørskolen in Wagrain, you must be more than a beginner. Who serve you are better off - even if you do not have direct experience with the service sector. Our local partner makes sure that you get the necessary skills so that you do not come unprepared to work in Austria.
Language and cultural knowledge opens doors in Austria
A folk high school is to inspire you to expand your horizons. You can certainly make you more or less in English in advance, but most skiskoleelever now speak again either Danish or German. So the more languages you can, the greater your chances when students should be distributed to skiinstruktørerne. So take the challenge - it pays. You do this by addressing cultural and social studies, to participate in sprogtandems and be with other Danes who want to learn German, and Germans who want to learn Danish. We focus on the spoken language - communicative. The font just choose to, and you should of course also write an application and translate your CV into German. Read more ...
solid preparation
During high school team, we must of course study. We go to Austria, where we divide ourselves into two groups. A group go to Salzburg and visiting a large job fair. Here are all ski hotels represented, and this is where you meet your potential future employer for the first time. With the help of the language teacher, you get clarified how you would like to work and under what conditions. The second group takes to Kaprun where Anwärterkurset (skilærerkurset) takes place. The course consists of an educational, practical and linguistic part, and concluded with a test. Once you have passed the test to get your skilærerbevis that you demonstrate when you and one of the school's language teachers take to the interview with you. You can perceive electives supply as the third leg of your preparation for the job in Austria. We give you an insight into the culture that awaits you and prepare you for the physical hardships on the slopes or in ski area hotels. We prepare you linguistically, but also gives you important tools to cope with challenging situations as they arise. You can choose as you like, but here are some suggestions for obvious electives: See electives here ...
Jobs in the ski season
When school stay coming to an end in late December, we go in Austria. Most travel in groups to Wagrain area. This shows your employer you to edit your new home. In the days leading up to Christmas you will be put into the workflow, and then before you get yourself seen the teeming area with happy skiers. Whether you choose one or another flavor of life as a ski bum, you have school in the back. A big PLUS is that we have available to you in the period when you work in the hotel or on the slopes.
Jobs in the ski season
16 high school weeks á 995, - kr. 13.930, -
10-day study trip to Kaprun / Salzburg 3950, -
Anwärterkursus incl. personal skilærercertifikat 3.950, -
University part costs 23 820, - 4 md. work in Kaprun / Salzburg 29.600, -
Travel to Kaprun / Salzburg t / r - 1.680, - PLUS the account 4,100 -
Job Opportunities
Ski instructor.