Sergeant in the Navy (Frederikshavn)

City Student Scholarships Category Admission Requirements Education Institution
Denmark Lønnet praktik Danish Military Educations Folkeskole Defence command
City Denmark
Student Scholarships Lønnet praktik
Category Danish Military Educations
Admission Requirements Folkeskole
Education Institution Defence command
Sergeant in the Navy (Frederikshavn)

If you choose to train you to Sergeant in the Navy will get challenges both for navigation and management. To become a sergeant in the Navy you must have had 2 years of service as enlisted in the Navy and you would like Sergeant in the Navy return to your specialty, but now with managerial tasks too.

A sergeant in the Navy has got the nødvændige training in pedagogy and training needed to function effectively as a middle manager at Navy ships and at the Naval earn places on land.

You must have at least 2 years experience as enlisted in the Navy to get sergeant training in the Navy. You will need to study subjects such as leadership, teaching, learning seamanship, boat handling, service skills, and physical education. After his appointment as sergeant will have to serve as director for new værneppligtige based training.

This makes you ready to act as sergeant for constables on one of the Navy's ships or at one of the Navy places on land. After graduation you will have to act as instructor for conscripts in the Navy.


You can be deployed to international missions after graduation, however, you will typically be a long time from home due. Sailing around Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Job Opportunities

Sergeant in the Navy, leader, coach.

Special admission requirements

admission Requirements

  • You have completed the Navy's basic training and have at least 2 years of service as enlisted in the Navy (except in catering in the Navy).
  • Folk School 9th ​​grade school leaving examination in the subjects arithmetic / mathematics, Danish and English with minimum grade of 02 (6) or equivalent or higher exam.
  • Have a valid health certificate
  • Have valid røgdykkerbevis
  • Have valid "Speedboat Certificate for the Navy"
  • Have valid "blue proof"
  • Are considered suitable for national and international service
  • Educated at Carbine M / 96
  • Have good IT skills (Office, Internet)
  • Can security clearance