Salon Smile

Salon Smile

At Salon smile you can always put together your own care package along with Iben, in charge of the salon. You can get analyzed hair structure and have mixed the right care for your particular hair. You can also get supplements for skin, hair and nails.

about Iben

My name is Iben Kjær. I grew up in Aarhus, where I took training as a cosmetician. I had an apprenticeship at Royce Beauty Center at Jægergaardsgade in Århus and graduated in 2001. Then I moved to Sønderborg, where I from 2001 to 2004 took educational establishment as a hairdresser. My apprenticeship during training were Salon Lis in Sønderborg, where I worked until I started Salon Smile in January 2007. Here I offer treatments which both cosmetician and hairdresser.

Salon Smile


Rønhavegade 8 st. th., 6400 Sønderborg

Contact info

Telefon: 7442 9990

Opening Hours

Mandag, onsdag og fredag kl. 9:00 - 17:00
Tirsdag og Torsdag kl. 11:00 - 19:00
Lørdag efter aftale.


Salon Smile's website

Salon Smile
Salon Smile
Salon Smile