Economics (Economics and Management)
City | Student Scholarships | Category | Duration | Admission Requirements | Education Institution |
Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg | SU berettiget | Bachelors | 3 year | Bachelor |
University of Southern Denmark Aalborg University Aarhus university University of Copenhagen |
City | Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg |
Student Scholarships | SU berettiget |
Category | Bachelors |
Duration | 3 year |
Admission Requirements | Bachelor |
Education Institution |
University of Southern Denmark Aalborg University Aarhus university University of Copenhagen |

Economics is a study of the national economy which binds the state and practically the whole world together. Economy throws you into social science disciplines such as national accounts, statistics, mathematics, microeconomics, macroeconomics and more. The intention is that you get a wide knowledge of financial matters and items that you can dispute some of the most attractive and sought-after jobs in our community.
Economy studio is many things - first of all it is an analysis of our society and its development in the light of economic developments. To understand, contain and control the development of society, it is important to understand the economic elements of our capitalistic society controlled by.
Unemployment, inflation, balance of payments, EU, national accounts and many more items have an intimate interaction that, when properly understood and mastered, can shape society in the most appropriate manner for all people, poor or rich. Part of the fabric of the training may seem heavy and difficult to access, but bite your teeth together when you do not necessarily have to deal with all disciplines in your future job. In fact, as you can through your course modules choose later in the program, creating your own professional profile and aim for an exciting and not least a highly paid job. Do not be surprised if one day you can write CFO, chief accountant or even prime minister on your business card!
The three out of the last four prime ministers who have been in Denmark has an economics education behind them, and many directors and financial managers in key positions in our society, in its time crossed swords with economics. Economy may at first glance seem boring, and very mathematical and technical - but fear not! Finance includes technical disciplines that require that you read the syllabus carefully and keep your tongue in your mouth, but you will also feel a great satisfaction when the results of your efforts are bearing fruit. Economy is by and large be an eye-opener in the sense that you only after reading the subject a little while, not really find out where practical and valuable knowledge you learn is.
Eg. using part of the economics students their student loans to invest in stocks and bonds to sweeten student life, at times, slightly penetrate conditions. But even when you are considering taking out a loan, buy a car, rent an apartment, apply for a job or start their own business takes you out of the economy does not just get you an exciting and challenging richly job, but also a knowledge you can use in your daily lives.
The study's economy has, in the bachelor, many compulsory subjects that are required, but in the last half of the studio you can choose freely among the electives offered.
Beside the lectures you participate in exercise hours where an instructor helps examine and shed light on issues from the lecture. This form of study means that students can easily get help for the difficult things about teaching and ensures simultaneously to dropout is minimized. It is possible to take a Master's degree in Economics.
Job Opportunities
With the 3-year Economy training, you can easily search for jobs in banks, financial institutions, private companies or public bodies. Your job functions can be everything from accounting staff, budget planning, market analyst, consultant on projects of economic nature for all kinds of job functions that have economy as the focal point. You do not generally expect a middle position, but it'll work your way up in the hierarchy. The reason why many students to complete their bachelor's degree with the 2-year Master's program. The 2-year Master's degree will improve your employment opportunities considerably and you will be able to demand significantly higher wages.
Special admission requirements
Danish A, English B, Mathematics A, History B, History of Ideas B, Social Studies B or Contemporary History B