City | Student Scholarships | Category | Duration | Admission Requirements | Education Institution |
Denmark | Ingen SU eller løn | Professional Courses | 3 eller 10 uger | Ingen |
At Work School |
City | Denmark |
Student Scholarships | Ingen SU eller løn |
Category | Professional Courses |
Duration | 3 eller 10 uger |
Admission Requirements | Ingen |
Education Institution |
At Work School |

Become a dietician specializing in weight loss
Obesity is a growing problem, and the overweight, the excess weight often enormous consequences, both mentally and physically. Not least because of the variety of opinions and myths that exist in this area, it can be extremely difficult to get over weight for life.
With At Work School professional training dietician and Diet Consultant, you will dietician specializing in weight loss. You gain the skills to be able to provide individual nutritional counseling and to combine weight-loss program. You will, for example. to guide people who want to live healthier and have more energy.
To whom slim consultant training for?
Slim Consultant program is aimed at everyone, both private and healthcare.
After graduation, it is possible to start a business or such. seek jobs in swimming pools, tanning salons, gyms etc. The program is also relevant for overweight people who want to know more about their body and the methods necessary for lasting weight loss.
You can read as classroom or 100% online
There are many benefits to reading the program on the Internet:
• You get the same quality as by reading education as classroom teaching.
• You can read at your own pace and whenever you want.
• You have the opportunity to take lessons as many times as you want.
• Read from home or from where you want.
• You can get sparring with others who are reading the same education via the Internet.
The price of the training is 9,500 kroner.
Former students tell
Former student - Aase Sloth
"I work for a day as a teacher in the kitchen at Havdredal Practical Agricultural School, where I teach young people with learning difficulties in diet and health.
My work was greatly motivate me to choose education for dietician, since I as a trained dietician can guide young people to a healthier lifestyle through better diet, including by stitching together individual staple diet suggestions. I was also looking for an education that could give me the latest knowledge in health. "
Former student - Theis Jensen Gandløse
"Starting in January 2011, I was trained as an educator and as early as the end of January I started At Work School Certified Running Coach training.
Then I read dietician / Diet Consultant via E-learning with nutrition thesis in Kids & Obesity.
I chose to take the training via e-learning, as there is no time wasted in relation to transport. I could read the same module as often as I wanted, and in addition I was very happy for the various quizzes, I could take - back as often as I wanted it. They made me ready for the final exam! "
Former student - Gitte Hjardemål
"I work in a place where there are greater demands on function creep, which is positive as it gives a weekday with several challenges - and an opportunity to get closer to patients. It is important that we in the medical clinic has a basic professional knowledge, as several of our patients goes up in health and wellbeing. It is therefore greater demands on us that we have the professional knowledge in place when we advise our patients for example. relation. dietary changes and lifestyle diseases, which was one of the reasons why I chose At Work School education as dietician. "
Job Opportunities
Special admission requirements
You can choose whether to take the program on the Internet, or if you want to take training as a classroom in Frederiksberg, Odense or Aarhus.
The price of the training is 9,500 kroner and you can read all over the country or 100% online as E-learning. If you choose classroom, you can choose between day and evening shifts.