Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest

Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest

Jensen's Steakhouse know most, but instead of selecting it in Rosengaard center, or in walking street, you highly recommend steakhouse at Forest Lake.

Here you can enjoy the view over the forest lake while you get yourself a good meal at reasonable prices. Of the many Jensen steakhouses that've been on, this is the absolute most comfortable placement-wise. The quality of food and service varies a bit, but it indeed does on most Jensens steakhouses and generally at restaurants in the price range. Here you get a lot for the price, especially if you get past a frokostbøf.

Student Discounts

Not only is Jensens a nice place with good service and delicious food - you can also get 25% in a study discount. All you have to do is remember your student card, so you can get a discount Monday through Thursday all day. You and the study group can now celebrate today's good work without running the budget. Enjoy!

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Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest
Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest
Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest
Jensen's Steakhouse - The forest