The port Perle

The port Perle

Since 1962, there have been lashed sausages and bøfsandwiches over the counter in the airport's Pearl in Aarhus. It has become an integral part of the city where several generations have got a hotter with it all and got today's respite. Customers come from far and wide and enjoy the retro grill on the port. The 30 seats are filled by both regulars, office workers in suits for working men in clothes that always has been a fixture on the grill, as well as tourists and other good people who pass by.

With its location on the harbor is Port's Pearl the last bastion before you have to take the ferry to Zealand or island. It has among other things inspired the nickname "The Last Frontier".

Another reason for the nickname is the high standard staff puts for the day to maintain their status in an otherwise reviled madmiljø in this era of diet food and other new initiatives. If you're the type who just good old-fashioned food made from scratch and processed by someone who has passion for this, then take a walk to the harbor and book daily. You can order food in advance here.

See how your bøfsandwich is made from scratch here:

Fast food and good quality Havnens Perles goals and clearly supported by the many years it has been at the port and in recent years prices received, which respectively. Aarhus' best hot dog stand and Denmark's Best bøfsandwich in 2012 and 2014.

The name Port Perle came by in the busy periods could resemble that a bomber had been past the harbor, so people called instead of Pearl Harbour. To turn this into a more positive association was given the name: The port Perle.

Besides servers for the many guests at the port, delivers Havnens Perle also meal deliveries. Do you want food brought to a larger event, you can rent a mobile hot dog stand for two hours, where you can get sausages ad libitum for up to 100 people for a reasonable price.

Jump down to the harbor and get a hotter with it all and enjoy the view of the harbor from the interior of the airport's Pearl.

Order like before here so your food is ready when you come.


Dagmar Petersens Gade 10
8000 Århus C

Contact info

Telefon: 86 13 22 56

Opening Hours

Mandag - Fredag:    08.00-22.00
Lørdag:                    09.00-21.00
Søn- og Helligdage: 11.00-22.00








Havnens Perle

The port Perle
The port Perle
The port Perle
The port Perle