Funen Art Museum

Funen Art Museum

Funen Art Museum is one of Denmark's oldest art museums. The museum was built way back in 1885 with a frieze with scenes from the history of Denmark and the Nordic mythology. Funen Art Museum exhibits include paintings and sculptures of the most important Danish artists.


Jernbanegade 13, 5000 Odense C.

Contact info

Telefon: 65 51 46 01, Email:

Opening Hours

Åbningstider 2007:
2. januar til 30. december, tirsdag til søndag kl. 10.00 - 16.00

Der er åbent 2. påskedag og 2. pinsedag samt mandage i ugerne 7, 8 og 42.
Der er lukket den 24., 25. og 31. december samt 1. januar.


Funen Art Museum's website

Funen Art Museum
Funen Art Museum
Funen Art Museum
Funen Art Museum