Frogmen (Kongsøre)

City Student Scholarships Category Duration Admission Requirements Education Institution
Denmark Lønnet praktik Danish Military Educations 1 year Folkeskole Defence command
City Denmark
Student Scholarships Lønnet praktik
Category Danish Military Educations
Duration 1 year
Admission Requirements Folkeskole
Education Institution Defence command
Frogmen (Kongsøre)

As a frogman in the Frogman Corps, you are part of the Navy's special operations force. This strength may on short notice be deployed in operations where conventional strength for various reasons can not be used.

Your training as a diver prepares you specifically to perform reconnaissance and combat tasks in the maritime embossed operations. Frogmen often inserted as the first in the international missions in unfamiliar areas. Here they work on threat assessments, reconnaissance, privacy, etc.

You start on a primary module that will give you a general introduction and experience to serve in the Navy with subjects such as navigation and ship doctrine. Primary module takes place in Frederikshavn. Afterwards, the student module Kongsøre, where you will meet subjects as combat swimming, shooting, diving, coaching and parachuting.

Then intensified training further and supplemented with training in boarding houses and ships, blasting, tactical shooting, diving, etc. Once the training is complete, you will join Frogman Corps, where you get your professional specialization parallel with your operational service as a diver. During training you receive commercial diving certificate and a sprægningsuddannelse.

One has as a qualified frogman expect to be broadcast frequently since the program has targeted to make the student ready for deployment in foreign and extreme conditions.

Job Opportunities

Frogmen, diving, bodyguard / personal security consultant, coach, security adviser.

Special admission requirements

admission Requirements

  • You are at least 21 years old at the study start in January 2016. Applicants below 31 years is preferred.
  • You have the 9th-class final examination with a minimum mark of 02 (6) in the subjects Danish, English and mathematics.
  • You must be a Danish citizen. Read more about citizenship .

visual Requirements

  • Fully vision without correction. Exemptions may be granted for refraktionskorrigerende treatment of type LASEK and PRK approved (LASIK is also expected to be approved).
  • You do not use glasses and / or contact lenses. Your visual acuity is at least 6/6 - each eye separately with both eyes simultaneously.
  • You have normal color perception and may consist Ischiaras color test.

NB! Vision requirement expected to be changed to a maximum of 6/9 of one eye if 6/6 of the other eye. As well as minimum 6/6 in both eyes simultaneously.

  • Well-kept teeth
  • Can security clearance to the "top secret"
  • Can a driving license (must be fradømt license on the meeting time)
  • Can pass the entrance examination