Café Sundet

Café Sundet

Svanemøllebugten is part of Sejlklubben Sound and Sound Café is located on the north side of Svanemøllehavnen. The view could not be better, with a table space on the first floor, so you have a fantastic view of the harbor and the setting sun in the evening.


Bookings at Café Sundet is a bit unconventional and all ordering is done at the bar. Quite simply, order a meal and drinks at the bar, pay and then occupies your place and the food is served quickly.

Dish of the day

Dining choir at Café Sundet is built around the day right. Today's stand on a board to the right of the bar and the dishes are fairly determined. You can see daily here spread over seven days a week: Monday: What Square offers Tuesday: Fish of the day with delicious accompaniments Wednesday: What Square offers Thursday: Corned beef brisket with potato and horseradish sauce Friday: Roasted roast beef served with bearnaise, baked potato and salad Sunday: what kitchen offers Other main courses include various fish dishes, meat dishes and children's dishes with f. ex: plaice, herring, pasta, steak, stew, salads, grill, and ice cream and cheese for dessert.

food experience

Food experience at Café Sundet is top notch and you gain a lot of food for the money. All dishes are tasty, delicious and prepared to order menu, then you only get 125 kr. It is certainly one of the cheapest places to eat in Copenhagen city guide .

Student Discounts

No, but there are sail-off for club members on daily specials, beer, water and coffee for members - just remember member board.


Svaneknoppen 2
2100 København Ø

Contact info

Telefon: 39 29 30 35

Opening Hours

Åbent alle dage: 11.00 - 22.00



Café Sundet
Café Sundet
Café Sundet