News Archieve
Welcome to the new
Better structure, audience entrances and a lighter design aims to give you an even better service to
Lucy Love for Posten
Thursday, December 8 pm. 20:00 yesterday Lucy Love on stage at Posten. Posten is located near railway station at Østre Stationsvej 35, 5000 Odense C. The fare is 160, - pr. PCS.
Law students need to finals of the S…
Aalborg University sends for the first time law students in the Supreme Court.
AAU strengthen research in health pr…
Aalborg University Health Sciences supports research into health promotion and prevention. This is done with the assignment of, Chief physician Torben Jørgensen, which has been decisive for the last 20 years of scientific discussion about health promotion and prevention.
New network in the Baltic region str…
EU gives 16 million. kr. for large international network to strengthen the high-tech development in the Baltic region.
Finance Presentations 2012 - More an…
The new government's proposal to budget negotiations reflects S, SF and R have education as a priority, and outplayed supports an ambitious training policy.
It must be cool to be healthy
At Aarhus Social and Health School, the concept of health several meanings, but common to them all is that it must conceal something positive. The school has, among other held a sports day.
Future schools and kindergartens sta…
On November 4, 2011 at. 13 opens LSP, Laboratory for research-based school development and teaching practices. LSP is based on a unique collaboration between the University College of Northern Denmark and Aalborg University. It is time that universities and university colleges cooperate on the main prerequisite for the realization of a modern knowledge society: An education system in top condition.
Knowledge Region have growing pains
The close cooperation between German and southern Danish universities expanded
Experiences from Sweden's teachi…
Why was Denmark for Sweden in 2006, when it comes to raising bilingual children? It has a new report from the Institute of Governmental Research studied.
Toxic seawater delayed evolution
The chemical conditions in the oceans may have prevented the development of animals on the early earth
Cool designer clothes very cheaply D…
Once again chance to get your hands on something delicious designer clothes for no money almost ..
Action at vocational schools creatin…
When vocational schools make an active effort to create more apprenticeships, it has a positive effect. It shows a new evaluation included in the government's continued efforts to strengthen education guarantee.
New writing in high schools - a shar…
Exchange of experience was on the menu as Education Agency held conference on literacy in secondary schools. The conference finished the first round of the project "New Writing" to strengthen high school students' writing skills.
School placement must be strengthene…
New evaluation will be part of the government's continued efforts to improve school internship.
"Linda P - and me" in the…
Linda P extradite themselves in a hardcore show funny portrait.
Lisa Ekdahl in Europe Hallen October…
The popular Swedish singer and songwriter Lisa Ekdahl, is one of the most promising and beloved artists of modern times. It is therefore with great pleasure that AKKC form the setting for a beautiful intimate concert with Ekdahl in Europe Hall.
Why did the North Jutland telecommun…
Only a few years ago, companies like Motorola, Texas Instruments and other leading multinational companies in the telecommunications had branches in North Jutland. Everything was excellent and there was talk of the North Jutland version of Silicon Valley. The talk we hear no more, for now they are almost all gone, but why are they actually that? What went wrong? It gives Kristian Hegner Reinau answer in his doctoral thesis.
World-renowned robotics researcher t…
Rodney Brooks holds this year's HCA-lecture where he will talk about how humans and robots will be working together in the future. The lecture, held on November 16, is open to all.
Character rankings for high schools…
Christine Antorini removed rankings of the gymnasiums average mark from the Ministry of Children and Education website.