AAU strengthen research in health promotion and prevention

AAU strengthen research in health promotion and prevention

Aalborg University Health Sciences supports research into health promotion and prevention. This is done with the assignment of dr.med., Chief physician Torben Jørgensen, which has been decisive for the last 20 years of scientific discussion about health promotion and prevention.
With the appointment of Torben Jørgensen as an adjunct professor, forces AAU her research in health promotion and prevention Torben Jørgensen is chief physician at the Research Centre for Prevention and Health, he is chairman of the National Graduate School of Public Health and a member of the National prevention councils, and in the future he will also be affiliated with Aalborg University in an advisory role as adjunct professor.

Responsible for their own health?

Most researchers in the field believe that each individual is responsible for their own health. Torben Jørgensen, together with its research defied this trend and instead worked on that the individual is certainly partly responsible for their own lives and health, but you can not understand the issues around health promotion and prevention and thus not propose solutions without also looking at social structures. Torben Jørgensen believes, therefore, that the individual citizen has the desire to live an unhealthy life, shortening the lifetime and quality of life significantly, but it happens because the citizen is part of society's structure, institutions, living conditions and environment for the citizen's social and healthy life. Therefore it is necessary to analyze through all social sectors that can help to improve population health. Dean Egon Toft sees promising prospects in cooperation with Torben Jørgensen: - That we now have a capacity as Torben Jørgensen affiliated with Aalborg University as an adjunct professor means a huge boost for our research in health promotion and prevention. The cost of health care continues to rise dramatically, but with the cooperation with Torben Jorgensen and his research center we will at Aalborg University make significant contributions to the development of research in structural prevention and better research will lead to lower costs for health care, says Egon Toft. Torben Jorgensen became a doctor in 1974 and trained then to a specialist in surgery and in surgical gastroenenterologi. From 1992-1997, he was Chief of Surgery. Since 1997, he has been chief physician Research Centre for Prevention and Health, and from 2007 also clinical professor of prevention and health promotion at the University of Copenhagen. Torben Jørgensen has supervised more than 30 doctoral students and is behind almost 700 publications in peer-reviewed journals, textbooks or chapters of textbooks. The publications dealing mainly with issues in epidemiology, health services research and prevention. Source: AAU