Worth knowing about remote study

Worth knowing about remote study

Are you on the threshold of your next study adventure? It may be that you go to 3.g in high school and have to consider what to read afterwards. Or maybe you have just taken a sabbatical or two and are now thinking about what your next step should be? The next step in the adventure that is your life.

Maybe the dream study in Copenhagen is waiting for you , or maybe you go to Aarhus and live to reach your goals? Odense, Kolding, Aalborg, and Esbjerg also offer a wealth of possibilities, and the open doors seem to countless times. It may therefore be overwhelming to choose a study and thus get hold of education, one must go for the next many years of his life.

There are many ways to study

Some students work very well in the environment at Aalborg University, which is largely characterized by group work, and others may work better in an environment that requires a higher level of individual work. Some work best in a tailor-made position on the bed in the college room with headphones while others do their best work in the campus library's quiet area in the early hours of the morning. Some are for lectures, and others are more to get soil under the nails - so to speak. It may also be that you are one of those going abroad to study. There is something for everyone. It's just a matter of finding out what you are most at.

Distance study as study method

As I said, there are several ways to be students today, and nothing is more right than anything else. Some need to meet up on campus daily to check in with the study group and follow the teaching, while others work best alone at their own pace and based on their own time schedule.

For those who are comfortable with self motivation, and being able to organize their own time and work, there are remote studies. Remote study, or e-learning as it's called, is getting more and more popular, and it's easy to understand why. The idea that you can sit at home in Tønder and read Nutrition and Health in Sorø or Law at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense while fitting your full-time job and arranging your time is appealing to many.

However, the remote study is not an easier solution. The education is the same as if you were to follow the campus education, and if it is an education that requires internship, then you may still be able to work out even if you are a student. For example, nutrition and health have three practices during the training so you do not get to sleep for your next university degree.

Some places are compulsory a few times a month and require you to find a study group where you can help each other through the study. However, most places are quite flexible, and if you live for example abroad, you can usually arrange something with Skype. There are usually also physical attendance to the examinations.

What can you read?

If you think that a remote study sounds like a good idea so you can focus on work or your elite sport at the same time, your next question may be what you can read - and where you can read it?

Here you can find a guide to selecting a distance study . There are both bachelor and master's programs, a full HF or supplementary subjects for your upper secondary education. You can take a professional bachelor in, for example, nutrition and health, where you deeply dive into topics such as life-cycle nutrition, motivation, food management, and even leadership and education. You can read law, economics, physiotherapy or nurse. The possibilities are many. You can also read marketing at SDU, where you learn about communication and business as well as financial theories and methods. You also learn to read the market and to find strengths and weaknesses in competing companies. Marketing is thus an education that can be used for many things. The things you learn when studying marketing can thus be used in many other areas of life. Take, for example, the well-known poker player Aditya Agarwal who, among other things, has read marketing and now uses his acquired knowledge of economic principles and ability to read the competitor to improve his poker game.

The next step

As you said, the possibilities are untouched, and only the imagination sets limits when composing your next adventure. For example, you can combine a distance study with a internship abroad or expand your CV with exciting collaborations with large companies such as the Seasons or Danfoss. If you choose a distance study, you take the degree of control over your time - and your future. Good luck!