Café Barok

Café Barok

Café Baroque consists of both a fine restaurant and a cozy bar.

Enjoy the delicious dishes on the summer terrace and enjoy the distinctive waterfront atmosphere. Should you keep a larger party, you can use the top floor and enjoy stunning views of Nyhavn

Café Baroque has live music almost every day. The genre of this change all the time, along with the type of audience. A really nice place with a relaxed atmosphere.


Nyhavn 1
1051 København K

Contact info

Telefon: 33 33 01 51

Opening Hours

Søndag - fredag: 09.00 - 02.00
Fredag - lørdag: 09.00 - 04.00


Café Barok's website

Café Barok
Café Barok
Café Barok
Café Barok