Oehlenschläger-Tegnérske Stipendiefond
Belongs to this/these group of educations
Social Sciences
Health Sciences
Technical Training
Artistic Educations
Youth Education
Meant for
Studies and internships abroad
Application deadline
2nd quarter
4th quarter
The Foundation's purpose is to give students from Copenhagen and Lund the opportunity to study in the Nordic countries.
The scholarship is available to students at the following colleges in Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School Technical University of Denmark The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Danish School of Pharmacy Scholarship be used to study for a Nordic university or college (NOT Folkehøjskolen). The emphasis is on the applicant during the study period living in another Nordic country, as well as on the applicant's ties to academic associations.
How to apply for the scholarship?
Application date is the whole year. Applications will be reviewed 2 times a year, around November and May (November 2nd. There used no application form. The application must include: Name and address of study the educational institution where the applicant will study goal of the studies Time of departure and the expected study Budget for the study period Information on participation in academic gatherings information possible. others sought scholarships Study relevant results (eg characters) and / or recommendations other information applications must be addressed by. letter (not e-mail, fax, ...) to: Oehlenschlæger-Tegnérske Stipendiefond v / Lars B. Struwe Lille Strandvej 1, st. th. 2900 Hellerup NOTE: only those who receive assistance will receive a letter about it.