Get the perfect start as a student in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is a great student city. It is inter alia therefore, that thousands of young people from home and abroad every year flock to the capital to study. You read very likely with here because you have to be a student in Copenhagen - and you may well delight you.

In this article we give you some of the best tips and tricks to get a good start as a student in Copenhagen. Read on here and give yourself a good position to get the best possible start as young students, but also make the most of Denmark's capital.

Be good and quick to find accommodation

The biggest problem for those who would like to study in Copenhagen, it is most likely related to housing search. It can be extremely difficult to find suitable accommodation in Copenhagen, neither too expensive or located too far away from the studio.

Search housing before demand explodes

A good tip is to seek accommodation before demand begins to explode. August and September tend to be two months in which there really is "pressure of the boilers". Therefore, it pays to start as soon as possible to seek accommodation in Copenhagen. That way you are one step ahead of everyone else and the probability of finding something suitable, it will ceteris paribus be greater.

Read also: Help to find student housing

Come discover the city

As a newcomer to the city well seem overwhelming and difficult to navigate in. The best way to get this "problem" to life is simply to go out and experience the city. You can discover the city in many different ways. For example you can choose to ride to and from the studio. This makes you better to know the city roads, paths etc.

study Events

You can also choose to participate in various student events. It will shake you more with your fellow students. In addition, many of the events take place in different locations in Copenhagen, which will give you a better knowledge of the city. It is mildly stupid idea not to participate in some events study if you do you hope to get a good start to study life.

Experiences are good to shake a study group

Copenhagen is a city filled with experiences that are just waiting to "be seen". Experiences of every kind are a great way to shake the study together. The share an experience with others will give you and your study group a shared memory which can form the foundation for a good and long friendship.

A good place to look for inspiration to experiences in Copenhagen, it is . They have gathered some of the best, funniest, most thrilling, romantic and (insert appropriate adjective himself) experiences in Copenhagen. There is undoubtedly something for everyone. In addition, the study is quite friendly.

Plan and disponér your time best

Depending on which study you are busy, so you may well expect to get busy. Being a student can be hard at times when you are pressed on time. Therefore it is extremely important that you are able to plan and manage your time as possible.

We recommend that you are good to make a calendar of your activities. That way you have all the time an overview of what you should - and should not. It will also give you a greater mental resources, in perspective minimizes the risk of stress.

Find help and guides on Copenhagen website

Copenhagen has made a lot of useful guides on their website. Guides we would like to recommend you to read if you want more tips to get a good start as a student in Copenhagen.

Go to Copenhagen's website at .