Esbjerg Foundation

Belongs to this/these group of educations

Technical Training
Artistic Educations

Meant for

Projects and other activities

Application deadline

1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter


Esbjerg Fund is a scholarship that is available to individuals or a leader of a group of individuals who perform scientific work and scientific research of general interest.


The grant is provided as support for charitable, humane or artistic purposes of general interest. Eligible to be considered are individuals or institutions based in Denmark, Iceland and Sweden.

How to apply for the scholarship?

Application for the scholarship is sent to Esbjerg Fund - per. mail or mail . The application for a scholarship must contain a description of the project being applied for, including a financing plan for the project. The application must also include a statement seekers


Disbursed grants of kr. 10,000, - and more will be reported to the IRS.