Your Vitamin Bar

On Kastetvej 41 in Aalborg you will find Your Vitamin Bar. It is a delicious salad bar where you can choose from a lot of delicious on the menu. Here the selection is large and the prices at the take away place are reasonable. If you are already in Aalborg, your Vitamin Bar is definitely worth a visit.

If we take a look at the menu at Din Vitamin Bar, there is no doubt that the selection is large. Therefore, there is very likely to be something for everyone on the menu. The place offers a wide selection of different shakes, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies for burgers, sandwiches, ferrets and salad bowls. For a better insight into the menu, you can check out the site's website with great advantage. Here you can also order your food - easily and quickly.

Are you on the move? Forgot your lunch pack at home? Or don't you just have the time or the desire to spend several hours in the kitchen on a Friday? In any case, Your Vitamin Bar may be a good bet for a healthier alternative to take away.

You will find Your Vitamin Bar on Instagram right here!

If you are passionate about Your Vitamin Bar and their concept, it may be that Your Pita Bar in Aalborg is also for you. The owner behind the take away places is the same.


Kastetvej 41
9000 Aalborg

Contact info

Telefon: 40 42 93 93

Opening Hours

Se hjemmeside for åbningstider.


Your Vitamin Bar's website