Adult and continuing education provides greater job security and fewer sick days

Adult and continuing education provides greater job security and fewer sick days

A new report from the Institute of Governmental Research shows that especially at university level has a number of benefits by taking adult education and training.
Job to unemployment, more pay is less and fewer sick days are just some of the benefits of adult education and training. The report shows "Impact Analysis of Adult Education - Analysis of individual effects and cost-benefit analysis", which has just been published. The report prepared by the Institute of Governmental Research, AKF, and presents the results of the most comprehensive registry-based analysis of benefits for those who participate in publicly funded adult education and training VEU. VEU includes adult education at tertiary level, vocational adult education and general adult education. The study shows that the programs overall have a positive effect on the individual's job mobility and professional mobility. It varies slightly depending on the VEU types it comes. For all classes that trigger fewer sick days at work.

significant wage increases

Adult education at tertiary level have the greatest economic benefits for society. The category includes diploma programs in public administration and IT. Participants who already have a higher education, can look forward to significant wage increases and better opportunities for employment. Also vocational adult education and training for better labor market and job security. The category includes labor market training, AMU courses. They consist of 3,000 training programs and single from training in, for example, ICT, cleaning and hygiene and care of green plants. Here the effect is more mixed in terms of salary, but especially the unskilled get more pay is less. For those participating in adult vocational education and higher preparatory single, accounts not the same positive image. It may be because many of the participants will continue on an ordinary education. Subjects on hf level used for example as a springboard to higher education - which also is one of the primary purposes of the general adult education. Education Minister Bertel Haarder said: "Denmark is by far the number one in the world in terms of adult education and training. Now we need to be number one when it comes to lifelong e-learning, which is the future, big action. "


"Impact Analysis of Adult Education - Analysis of individual effects and cost-benefit analysis" prepared by the Institute of Governmental Research, AKF, under the auspices of the National Center for Competence, NCK established with financial support from the Ministry of Education. It is the first of a series of impact studies VEU efforts in Denmark, undertaken by the NCK. The study reveals the effects of VEU in relation to wages, employment, education, mobility, absenteeism and early retirement. Job satisfaction, participation in democratic processes, motivation and increased self-esteem, etc. have not been studied. The report also includes an analysis of the socio-economic benefits and costs associated with adult and continuing education. The purpose of the efficacy analyzes is to get new and better knowledge about the effects of VEU efforts in extension of VEU tripartite committee analyzes and to give policy makers and other key stakeholders a better basis to monitor and develop VEU effort. Power analysis will be followed by analyzes of, among other effects of VEU at company level, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2009. Source: Ministry of Education