Young people: How to make money next to SU

Young people: How to make money next to SU

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As a student, the budget can be tight at times. Not all the fun can be afforded such as cafes, the new smart iPhone or new clothes. If you want to be able to buy the above with the plus in the account, a job is needed.

It sure doesn't come as a surprise to you. And maybe you already have one or more jobs next to your studio. But a student job doesn't necessarily take all your free time. For example, you can become a business owner by purchasing a webshop. You can work from home and manage your work hours yourself.

Does that sound like something for you? Read on and get inspired so you can get started and get some extra next to the SU.

Start your own business online

Being a business owner next to his studio can sound crazy. Wild fat, many may think. But today, becoming a business owner as a young person is relatively easy.

You have plenty of opportunity to buy a webshop where you can sell everything online. Whether it is table tennis balls, a clothing brand or something third is up to you. In reality, it is only your interests that determine your product.

When you need to sell a product online, you need a webshop. You can buy this or program yourself. The latter is particularly complicated, which is why you, as inexperienced, are recommended to buy a webshop. For example, you can buy a webshop like Shopify at EagleMedia. EagleMedia offers Shopify which is used by more than 100,000 webshops today. They have many years of experience, and they can help with any webshop solution, no matter what program you prefer to work with. They will also advise you so that you end up getting the best solution for the product you are selling - and then they work with prices where everyone can join.

It's easy for you to customize your webshop. As a young and creative you have guaranteed many ideas you would like to show in the webshop.

The benefits of buying a webshop

When you need to start your webshop online, you must first find a product you want to sell. Then buy a webshop that will guide you through the setup until your webshop is complete.

The advantage of buying a webshop is that you do not have to do the programming yourself. If you are inexperienced in the technical field, this is a great advantage.

Likewise, most webshops offer support. This means that should you have problems with setup or the like, you can always contact your service provider. It will be a great help in most cases where you feel away.

When you buy a webshop, you must also have a domain that you can link to your webshop. You can also easily buy a domain from one of the many providers on the market. It is also here that you can consider whether a web hosting might be a solution for you. Here you also have the opportunity to purchase support.

Here you need to pay attention to a webshop

Today, it is not unlikely to read about a young student receiving a high monthly income due to a webshop. And it is affecting other students. But you need to know that with a high income hard work comes along.

Before you get ready to go airborne, you must also price your products. You must include your own costs as well as competitors' prices in your consideration. During your setup, you must, among other things, have control over payment options, shipping options and product descriptions.

In addition, you must bear in mind that it is not only Danish competitors you have. When you choose to create a webshop, you want competitors from all over the world.

Lastly, be aware that there is a limit to how much you may earn next to your SU. It is important that you comply with this. Otherwise, you may have to repay your entire SU.