Students and pregnant - what then?

Students and pregnant - what then?

Most student women are women of childbearing age. But what does your study really do if you get pregnant and do you really have the right to go to maternity leave? These are all questions that you can find answers to in this article.

How much maternity leave are I entitled to?

In Denmark, we are actually privileged when it comes to raising leave in connection with the birth or adoption of a small child. In fact, maternity leave is divided into maternity leave, maternity leave and parental leave. For each part of the holiday there are some rules for whether it is a mother or father who holds the weeks allocated and how many weeks it is. It is a good idea to understand how the weeks can be divided between the various leave parties and between the parents.

Maternity allowance or SU during your maternity leave?

If you get pregnant at some point during your study, you have several options when it comes to your income source.

For example, if you have work next to your study, you can, on the basis of this work, be entitled to maternity leave with maternity allowance in accordance with the applicable rules in the maternity leave . However, it requires that you have worked permanently before your leave starts for an entire period of 13 weeks. During the 13 weeks you must have worked for at least 120 hours in total.

If you go to an SU-eligible education where you get SU, it may be that it's a better idea for you to continue with your SU. You are entitled to additional SU clips if you have a child during your study time. There are different rules for how to get your extra clips depending on the education you go on. Similarly, there are different ways to get your extra SU clips. It's always a good idea to listen to your education, what exactly applies to you.

If you get pregnant at the end of your study

If you are pregnant when you finish your education, it may be difficult to get a job. Fortunately, there are various ways in which you can entitle you to maternity allowance while you are on maternity leave.

If you are not already a member of an A-box , it may be a good idea to sign up. Most A-boxes offer newly-educated admission based on some very special rules, which make you more entitled to unemployment benefits, but at a very special rate. If in doubt, you can always contact an A-box and ask them for advice.