How to become more effective as you study

How to become more effective as you study

When you are sitting in front of your computer for hours on end, it is important that you incorporate some small breaks. One of the most commonly used techniques to increase efficiency while adhering to breaks is called the Pomodoro technique. Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato, but as such it has nothing to do with the technique. The Pomodoro technique is to work in a concentrated and uninterrupted manner for a period, after which you are allowed to take a short break. About every two hours you have a longer break, where you have more time to completely relax.

Photo Pixabay, by JESHOOTS-com, Pixabay License

Why does the Pomodoro technique work?

We all know the challenge of how tempting it is to check out the latest updates on Facebook and Instagram or read the news during working hours. As such, there is nothing in the way that you can continue to do, but now you just have to spend your breaks for it. By concentrating for a short period of time, you can more easily stay focused and avoid skipping . Awareness that the break is coming soon will make it much easier for you to maintain concentration. When you are tempted to do a skipping act, keep in mind that you have planned a break before long and that you can easily concentrate until then.

The breaks are equally important work

It is important that you use the break to completely disconnect from school work. What can best distract your thoughts is of course individual, but activities such as crossword puzzles and casino games are known as good diversions. In these activities, you need to be focused and focused, which is why you can easily forget the tasks for a while. Of course, there are other things that you can use for breaks, but the most important thing is that you choose something that gives you new and fresh energy. Here are some more suggestions you can get inspired by:

  1. Take a quick walk.
  2. Relax with a mindfulness exercise.
  3. Eat a healthy snack.
  4. Do stretching exercises or some gymnastics.
  5. Listen to soothing music.
  6. Relax with a game on your mobile.

It's a good idea to use one of the long breaks to move around a bit. If you have time then go or take a little walk. It doesn't take much to clear up the brain and get ready to continue working. Also use the break to vent so you can maintain a good indoor climate while reading .

How to use the Pomodoro technique in practice

A Pomodoro lasts 25 minutes where you have to work focused on your task. After the 25 minutes have elapsed, you have a short break of 5 minutes. After driving four times Pomodora, ie a total of 2 hours, take a longer break of 25-30 minutes. Then you are ready for four new laps. It is important that you observe the breaks, even if you have just got off to a good start. It may take some time to get used to working this way, but you will find that you will look with fresh eyes on the task when you return from the break. Of course, there will be situations where you have phone calls, Skype meetings or the like that do not allow the plan to be kept. When that happens, simply start on a new Pomodora when your meeting is done. Find out more about Pomodoro and how to work focused here .

Photo Pixabay, by silviarita, Pixabay License

Control Pomodoro time with an app

You should preferably avoid looking at the clock while working. The easiest way is to download an app that manages Pomodoro time for you. If you search for Pomodoro in your app store, you will find that there are many different apps to choose from. Which one you choose is not so important, simply that it is simple to get started and easy to use. Of course, you can also use a very ordinary egg scent if you find it easier.