SEA (Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University)

SEA (Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University)

SEA has the mission to create a greater entrepreneurial spirit and culture among students at Aalborg University. SEA will through a variety of activities spread awareness and desire among students to start their own business after graduation. SEA organizes events, lectures, workshops and conferences that focus on the development of entrepreneurial spirit and culture. Initiatives SEA participates in: * Incubators - Start your own business during or just after the study * First Step - Meeting place for North Jutland knowledge entrepreneurs * Venture Cup - Denmark's largest business plan competition * Entrepreneurship Academy IDEA - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity * Advice - For students and graduates who will start their own business * Entrepreneurship Events


Niels Jernes Vej 10, 9220 Aalborg Ø

Contact info

Tlf: 96 35 80 02


SEA (Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University)'s website

SEA (Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University)