Recession festival in Aarhus

Recession festival in Aarhus

Friday, October 31 and Saturday, November 1 held the popular Recession festival in Aarhus.
Recession is a festival that has been held for 8 years and which has its base in Aarhus. The festival aims to provide a different and unique concert experience. The people behind the festival focuses on change and innovation and aims to work across genres and interests. They are also trying to have a special focus on niche music, which means that they present some bands outside the mainstream in their genre. The festival's main music genre will be rock, electronic and hip hop. The concerts are spread out between the three cafes Katcher, warehouse and Cafe Pustervig. These evenings featuring each of the cafés on a unique and contrasting program with names like Dälek, Mani Spinx, Some Time, Maria Timm, Scout robot, Electro Juice, Death Line and MANY others. See the full program here If you want the ticket for both days you can buy it on the duct ticket for 200 kr. However, if you are interested in a éndagsbillet can either be purchased at the door or in 1000 things hunter yard street 20 for 120 kr. Moreover, you can buy a single ticket for one cafe and imagination to 60/80 kr.