Nørresundby Gymnasium

Nørresundby Gymnasium

You can take a high school or HF training at Nørresundby Gymnasium.

There are many excellent sports facilities and creative subjects in high school, which means that they go up in the kind of expression will feel at home here.

It is possible to use different forms of work at school when the buildings and the furniture put up to it.

The school is for every young person who would like to prepare for a further education after high school.

The focus is on the professional, as in the social. Especially the social plays a big role as it helps to shape young people to become whole people to act in a omskriftende world.


Studievej 14, 9400 Nørresundby

Contact info

Tlf: 98172833
E-mail: post@nghf.dk

Opening Hours

Mandag- torsdag: 08.00 – 15.00
Fredag:                 08.00 – 14.00


Nørresundby Gymnasium's website

Nørresundby Gymnasium
Nørresundby Gymnasium
Nørresundby Gymnasium
Nørresundby Gymnasium