Lågsus P3 feat. Emil Stable, Citybois and Gilli on the Green Concert!

Lågsus P3 feat. Emil Stable, Citybois and Gilli on the Green Concert!

The two radio hosts Nicholas Kawamura and Pelle Peter Jensen has taken Emil Stable on stage and gives the whole audience a "lågsus" and "habil" experience. If you are not already ice comes you at least not to freeze when Emil Stable and Lågsus boys play all out on stage.

Emil Stable is not a fad or a one-off (a bird), but in return he is the new large comet that stormed in 2015. He has already performed at large festivals, and did so well last year's Green Concert to of course he comes again this year.

Another popular band participating at this year's Green Concert is Citybois. The two boys, who did not win X-Factor in 2015, won in return many, many hearts of girls all over Denmark. Their first single beat even the winner of X-Factor single since they were released. The boys throw maybe a few words of their self-developed language to the audience.

They put themselves stylistically very well from The Weeknd and Scarlet Pleasure, but they have their own expression.

The 23-year-old rapper Gilli, has like the other young talents had great success in the past year. Among other single debut "C'est la vie" and the sequel "Up early," which was the seventh most shared songs on Spotify worldwide.

Book your ticket to Green Concert here and listen to the young world names that create a party!