Christmas at SU

Christmas at SU

Christmas is the celebration of the hearts and it's a time of year when it's about togetherness and presence, and it's about Christmas cakes, Christmas trees and Christmas presents. For the most part, it is a pleasant time, embracing the good Christmas atmosphere and excitement for the big Christmas party. But the excitement for others, especially the group of young students, whose only income is their SU, can also be pressed against the financial burden that may be given to Christmas gifts. But there is no need to be a financial link about the leg, because it is possible to find cheap loans for students up to Christmas, to go on offer or maybe even make the presents themselves.

When borrowing money, it is generally important to pay attention to, among other things, OPP (Annual Percentage), Monthly Performance, Interest Rates, and Loan Term. By having these in mind and thinking about them in the consideration of the loan, you can reduce the risk of unforeseen interest and a loan amount that explodes.

Do-it-yourself Christmas presents

Celebrating Christmas can be an expensive affair, but it's not necessary, as an old t proverb says: costing a farm. Food, decorations, fine clothes and Christmas presents are all elements that require some ingenuity if you have to keep the budget down - but it's possible! One of the places where it's particularly easy to cut costs is to make Christmas presents yourself.

Here are a number of ideas for cheap and easy do-it-yourself Christmas presents. Because when giving a gift, it is always the thought that counts, and when you receive a homemade gift, you know that some extra thought and love has been added.

  • Make a personal key ring. All it takes is a handful of fine pearls in wood, a piece of leather cord, a key ring and a karabin garden.
  • Make a gift that can be eaten. For this gift, you must use a recipe for your home recipient - or recipient's favorite home bag, a glass jar with lid, silk ribbon or similar, small Christmas balls, spruce or other decorations. Bag, cool off, jar and on the ribbon.
  • Make a pillow. If you have your hands screwed, you can also throw yourself a do-it-yourself project. Here you will need pillow filling, fabric and edge bands.
  • Make personal magnets of concrete. All you need is some small strong magnets, silicone molds and concrete mix.

Student loans or study jobs?

If you are a student with an economically tight budget without much room, consider studying a job that can complement your monthly payment of SU. It's important to find a job that allows you to have time for your studies and you can choose a job that is relevant to the education you are taking. The study job can provide you with relevant experience and at the same time provide you with professional education during your studies. If, on the other hand, a study job is not an option, you can explore the possibilities for taking a student loan or finding a cheap loan for students.