Here you can find study-friendly mobile subscriptions
As students, we are always on the lookout for offers or where there is an opportunity to save. With SU and a part-time job, money is not the most, so it is important that we pay attention to saving where we can. Things like mobile subscriptions are often quite expensive, so we have found the ones here on the site that are definitely the cheapest ones for you.
So crucial is a mobile subscription
Virtually all young people need a mobile phone, both to get in touch with friends and family, but also to stay up to date with their study, in the event that new information is released. But where can you find the best and cheapest mobile subscription ? The answer is Oister. Oister is super good for generally having quite reasonable prices, and it is an advantage that we as students only benefit from. Many of us do not really think about how important a mobile phone is to us, including the subscription. You don't get very far with a phone without a subscription. If you need to call some of the other students, or just call your family, or if you want to write with your study group, or check up on the latest homework while sitting on the train or bus. All of these things require a mobile subscription so you can probably hear how important it really is.
Find the right solution for you
A mobile subscription helps make us feel connected to other people, especially if we don't have the opportunity to see them right now and here. However, there is nothing more frustrating than if a mobile subscription is starry. We all know well that this is something we need to have, and that is why we also have to pay for it. Fortunately, you do not have to pay expensive judgments for mobile subscriptions that you do not get much from, since you can now choose Oister, where there are cheap offers. Here you can also help choose what you really want in your subscription. Are we talking free data? Free speech? Whatever it may be, Oister has the right solution for you!
Oister has no bond
On Oister's website you can read a lot about the different subscriptions, so you are sure that you choose the right one. It can be difficult to choose from the many options, and here you are lucky. Oister has no bond, so if you suddenly find that you should have chosen one of the other Oister subscriptions, you can easily switch, without any further problems. It's so easy and straightforward. We agree that everything is relative, so when we say "cheap", it could easily be expensive for someone. But believe us when we say it is tremendously cheap. You can actually get a mobile subscription called Oister Basic, which only costs you 19 kroner a month! It's almost nothing, and will certainly make your budget a little less squeezed.