Guide to self-indulgence in the dark months

Guide to self-indulgence in the dark months

Do you, like many other Danes, go around these months and feel a bit run down? It is cold, wet and dark, and it can therefore be difficult to find the profit for both work and study. Many people are busy in their everyday lives, and therefore forget to pamper themselves once in a while. Below are listed some things that you should treat yourself in the cold winter weather.


Relax with a good movie

In the summer it can be difficult to find peace to sit down and relax with a movie, because you might get a bad conscience about sitting inside when it is finally good weather. So, this bad conscience lets you go during the winter season, when it is perfectly okay to pull the plug and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa for a good movie. In addition, it is obvious to take a go at the cinema, where you can sink into the cinema's dark hall while enjoying a good movie.


Read the book that you have been lying on the shelf for too long

We have certainly all tried to buy a book that we have heard very well about and which we just have to read, but just as quickly as we get it in the door, it is put on the shelf because there are many others things to do. But on days when it is cold and dark, it is there where you have to find the book and go out into the reading.


Take a bigger step

Something that many Danes can agree on is that we love warmth. However, this does not get us half of the year, and therefore the box must be considered. More and more people are choosing to invest in an outdoor spa, because it provides warmth in the cold months. If you have the space for it, it might be right now to take a bigger step toward more self-indulgence, and otherwise you can always try to persuade some in the family to buy one. If you are curious, you can read more about outdoor spa at the Spacenter by following this link.